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Science and Technology Fact Lists
Here is a list of 10 interesting facts about the moon!
Here is a list of 17 Interesting facts about computers.
Browse Science and Technology Facts
The 'Email' is older than the World Wide Web.
The first 1GB hard disk, announced in 1980, weighed about 550 pounds, and was priced at $40,000.
Sweden is a country with the highest percentage of Internet users (75%).
Computer circuitry can be destroyed by static electricity. It is so mild for humans that we don't even feel it.
Hard drives can now be found as large as 16TB, but the first hard drive created in 1979 could hold only 5MB of data.
80% of the emails sent daily are spam.
The first personal computer was the Berkeley Enterprises "Simon" which sold for $300 in 1950.
The precision quartz clock in a computer cannot keep accurate time.
Floppy disks in the late 1970s were 8 inches in diameter.
The VIC-20 computer from Commodore sold for $299 in 1980 with 5K of RAM.
In the 1950s computers were commonly referred to as "electronic brains."
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Fun Fact Lists
10 Facts about the Moon
President Barack Obama facts
Interesting facts about chickens
22 Fun facts about health and dieting